Essentials of Wellness

Healing Mind, Body & Spirit

foot detox

Ionic Foot Detox

Everything around you is a potential toxin storehouse. The air, food, your daily products contain numerous toxins which can make your body toxic faster than you can even think. You apparently cannot stop going out, but there is a more natural way to prevent all these toxins around you from harming your body. This simple solution is the detox foot soak.

On an average, a person gets exposed to more than 200 different chemicals in a day out of which the toxicity of many chemicals is still in the testing phase. The remedies are so simple that you can use them at home. Whereas, on other days, you can visit the nearest spa or wellness office and get it done within minutes to get refreshed.

All about Detox Foot Soak

All that you eat or use on the skin have toxins in them. Shocked? Don’t be worried as our body has a natural instinct in removing these toxins naturally. But it is always commendable if you help your body to flush out these toxins more effectively. The toxins in the body have a negative charge on them. This negative charge aids to clean them out of your body.

In the detox foot soak, the water contains positively charged hydrogen atoms. As opposites charges attract, these positive hydrogen ions get attracted towards the negatively charged toxins in your body. The positive hydrogen atoms near your feet pull out the negatively charged toxins out of the feet. The bottom of your feet has a semi-permeable membrane which allows certain substances to pass through. Since the toxins can enter your body through the skin, they can be pulled out by the hydrogen atoms from the bottom of your feet too. This simple yet effective technique is what keeps the toxins from harming your body.

As the toxins get pulled out of the body in the detox foot soak, the water changes color. Though this has nothing to do with the very fact that the toxins are being pulled out, it is an interesting phenomenon which hasn’t been explained yet.

Why use a detox foot soak?


Your day to day activities require you to have contact with the outer world, and the sad truth about the world is that it has toxins everywhere. From the air that you breathe in the form of pollution to the water you drink, toxins are present in all the substance that you can name. Thus, escaping toxins is a near impossible option. There are more than 85% of chemicals in the world which not have got tested but are used readily. Hence, the level of their toxicity is still unknown.

The only thing you can do is stop the toxins from actually hurting you. The effects of toxins staying in your body for a long term can be severe, and thus the results of the toxins must be neutralized. The removal of toxins can help you by avoiding small allergies as well as other health issues which can get worse with time if the toxins do not get flushed out of your body at regular intervals. Thus the use of detox can not only help you save time and energy on small illnesses but can also save up to thousands of dollars towards hospital bills that would otherwise get spent on treating all the diseases caused by these toxins.

One of the most elegant and affordable solutions which can save you money, energy, as well as the mental trauma of hospitals, is a detox foot soak. This simple yet elegant solution is what everyone needs to make their daily lives better by improving their health.

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